Community Based Alternatives

The Community Based Alternatives program (CBA) is a Medicaid sponsored program. It provides home and community based services to people who are elderly and to adults with disabilities as a cost-effective alternative to living in a nursing home. The State Medicaid Case Manager provides case management services.


  1. Adaptive aids and medical supplies
  2. Adult foster care
  3. Assisted living/residential care services
  4. Consumer Directed Services
  5. Emergency response services
  6. Home-delivered meals
  7. Minor home modifications
  8. Nursing services
  9. Occupational therapy services
  10. Personal assistance services
  11. Physical therapy services
  12. Prescription drugs
  13. Respite care services
  14. Speech and/or language pathology services

    Eligibility Requirements

1. You must qualify financially as determined by the Medicaid program of the State in which you reside.

2. You must be age 21 or older.

3. The cost of your service plan cannot exceed the nursing facility payment rate.

4. Your health status must meet the medical necessity determination for nursing facility care.

5. You must be determined at risk for nursing facility placement.

6. You must choose waiver services instead of nursing facility care based on an informed choice.

This program was designed to keep people in their homes as long as possible and delay the admission to a nursing facility for as long as possible. By keeping the elderly in their homes, the program saves money by not having to pay the nursing facility for your care. More importantly for you, you get to remain in your home longer and enjoy the comforts of your own home but with the adaptive aides and assistanve that the program provides.

If this program seems right for you and your loved one, contact your State Medicaid program and ask how you may access these services.

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